We are how.fm

Digital Training Processes for Better Work

Ready for the Future – With Strong Partners at Our Side

how.fm at a glance

how.fm im Überblick Schulungsoftware

Our Vision

Everyone can apply all the world’s practical knowledge

Everyone gets a chance to learn, regardless of language or prior knowledge. This is how strong teams are built who achieve their goals. With commitment and security. That’s what how.fm stands for.

how.fm mission

Our Mission

Train 1M deskless workers across the world — in their own language

how.fm mission

With how.fm, we empower hands-on training in any language. To support this mission, our team works together and applies their expertise in software development, product management, machine learning, customer service, design and more – to develop the best-in-class warehouse training software.

Our Story

We live and breathe logistics

Millions of workers around the world are not sitting at a desk. The industry is stressful. It’s not uncommon that there’s no time for induction and training. Even if the training exists, then there are growing language barriers. All at the expense of workers’ satisfaction, safety, and productivity.

We want to change that.

That’s why we our team visited, observed and analyzed numerous companies and warehouses. We talked to warehouse managers and their staff. We learned a lot about the many jobs and different needs. And we participated in many training processes ourselves to experience what needs to be kept and what can be changed for the better.

The realization? The training experience was neither satisfactory for us nor for the many fellow learners. But that helped us to recognize what needs to be done here so that every worker gets a fair chance to learn – regardless of the language or background.

The Result:

how.fm — your training and support platform

High Growth

After launching our first product version in 2019, we are backed by investors that help us grow and scale.

State of the Art Technology 

A ready-to-go, scalable cloud-based SaaS platform.

Future Oriented

Modern technology meets content and services that are always up-to-date.

Full Support

Global key account management with customer-centricity.

Constantly Evolving

Always open to change; we adapt to new requirements, easily and efficiently.

Born in Cologne

… and available worldwide: with our multicultural team and remote-first approach.

Ready for the Future – With Strong Partners at Our Side

Get to Know Us

Make Your Warehouse the Next Center of Excellence!

Migrate to digital onboarding processes

Save on staff and costs

Reduce training time

15 minutes & no commitment

Find best practices in training and contract logistics, helpful whitepapers and the latest news here.